Who was he?

Wilhelm REich

This page will cover the related concepts and information on Wilhelm Reich the founder of Orgone technology, everything you need to understand his life and legacy.

1: Professional Career

Reich's education and career

2: Notable Work

Reich's most important accomplishments

3: The life of Reich

A timeline of Wilhelm Reich's life

Wilhelm Reich

1: Professional Career 

Wilhelm Reich started his professional career by pursuing a medical degree at the University of Vienna. In 1920, while studying to become a medical doctor, Reich was invited to be a member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Association.

The Vienna Psychoanalytic Association was a prestigious organization among psychologists of the time. There Wilhelm Reich met and studied under the likes of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung

In 1922 Wilhelm Reich finished university and got his medical degree. Pursuing further learning, Reich got his post graduate education in neuro psychiatry from the Neurological and Psychiatric University Clinic, at the university of Graz, under Professor Wagner Jauregg

from graduation to 1930 Reich taught psychoanalytical Seminars in Vienna and worked as a psychoanalyst specializing in sex counseling. 

2: Notable Work 

Reich's most important work was his research on Orgone Technology, along with the many books he would write across the course of his life.  Of his books the most impactful and popular in his time were, "The Sexual Revolution," "Murder of Christ," and "The Mass Psychology of Fascism." The latter of which causing undue persecution by the Nazi's. 

Reich's inventions were what he is perhaps most remembered for, notably the "Orgone Accumulator." and the "Orgone Pyramids," his work would inspire. Although never made a reality by its inventor, Reich also had an Ingenius design for Orgone Accumulating blankets, which we have carried on his legacy by selling.

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3: The life of Reich


Wilhelm Reich was born on March 29th, 1897, in Dobzau, Galicia, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in Ukraine, to Leon Reich and Cecilia Roniger. Shortly after his birth the family moved to Jujinetz, a village in Bukovina, where his father ran a cattle farm leased by his mother's uncle, Josef Blum. 

Both parents were Jewish but decided against raising the boys as practicing Jews. Reich and his brother, Robert, were brought up to speak only German. The two were punished for using Yiddish expressions and forbidden from playing with the local Yiddish-speaking children.


Due to his Jewish heritage and his anti-government views Wilhelm Reich received a fair bit of persecution from the Nazi's, forcing him to immigrate to The United States in 1939, hoping to fulfill his own "American Dream".


After his work had been proven effective and threatened the existing pharmaceutical establishment, the government began to look into Reich more closely.

 In the 1950's Reich was first brought in and questioned under suspicion of being a communist. in 1957 it was determined that Reich wasn't guilty of any suspicious behavior and Reich's name was cleared.

Before Reich could go public with his research and Orgone Accumulator the FDA stepped in, destroying Reich's research and convicting him of fraud. Wilhelm Reich was thrown in prison, and days before his parole died of heart failure under suspicious circumstances. 

Though in the papers Wilhelm Reich was called a Fraudster, many prominent researchers and friends of Reich argued otherwise, testifying to the legitamacy of his research. 

"I know that what you call ‘God’ really exists, but not in the form you think; God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you."