"A unique, golden masterpiece with sublime energy which can bring so many fruitful changes in your life"
Its unique power will reward you in many aspects of your life! Place your hands on its sides and focus in all the wonderful things you want to attract in your life. While holding it you will feel a very strong energy vibe that will reinforce and balance your spirit, body and mind. It will help bring abundance, in many forms, in your life, if you are willing to work in this direction.
Orgone energy devices will:
• Transform negative energy in to positive
• Re-vitalize the atmosphere
• Recharge, purify, structure and energize water, drinks essential oils, crystals, jewelry etc
• Relieve insomnia, provide a quieter sleep and help avoid nightmares
• Boost your intuition
• Enhance productivity in your work
• Fortify creativity
• Balance – reconcile the energy within our body
• Enforce the recovery and healing process
• Better our mood and help us improve and develop our actions
• Protects us from other people’s negative energy and thoughts
• Promote plant growth
• Neutralize electromagnetic radiation and protect us